• We are available from 16:00 to 20:00 GMT
  • Main office: Sabat Pebet 1234, Suite 1603, Montevideo, Uruguay


Contact Information

Email us at info@jpos.org

Sabat Pebet 1234, Suite 1603,
Montevideo, 11300,

Open from 16:00 to 20:00 GMT

The jPOS project and its related products and services are managed by jPOS Organization.

Subscribe to jPOS Users



  • The latest released version is 2.1.8 [download]
  • See the ChangeLog for details.
  • Development version is 2.1.9-SNAPSHOT


The easiest way to learn jPOS is by buying the Programmer's Guide. In addition, you can browse the Javadocs and source code online. jPOS-EE can be downloaded from its Github repository.

Development Links

Mailing lists:

We run the following mailing lists:

jpos-users The jPOS users' mailing list is the place to post user-specific questions. Make sure you browse the archives as your question might has been answered already. [rss]
jpos-dev jPOS-dev is the developers' list which also served as the users' list in the past. With a vibrant community of over one thousand users, most of them jPOS-savvy developers, jpos-dev is the place to join in order to stay tuned to jPOS developement, post feature requests, bugs, etc. As a general rule, before you post there, make sure to browse the archives.If in doubt where to post, you want to post to jpos-users. [rss]
jpos-commits jPOS-commits can be tracked via RSS or by subscribing to jpos-commits group.


jPOS Slack The team is usually around in Slack. Feel free to request an invite

RSS Feeds

If you want to follow jPOS' development via RSS, we encourage you to add the following feeds to your aggregator:

jPOS News http://feeds2.feedburner.com/jpos
jPOS commits http://feeds2.feedburner.com/jpos-commits
jPOS users forum http://groups-beta.google.com/group/jpos-users/feed/msgs.xml
jPOS developers forum http://rss.gmane.org/gmane.comp.java.jpos.devel