Logon Manager

Many hosts require a sign-on network management message once a connection is established, regular echo messages during the lifetime of the connection, and a sign-off message once the connection is going down.

You can go low level and implement it as part of your channel implementation. Alternative, you can adopt the jPOS way of using a more decoupled Space based approach.

Here is how such approach would look like:

When a ChannelAdaptor connects to a remote host, it places a ready-indicator in the Space. That's the same ready-indicator used by the MUX in order to tell if the channel is connected or not. So if you have a channel called foo, once connected, it will place an object (actually an instance of java.util.Date, but don't rely on it as it could be something else in the future) called foo.ready in the space.

That means that you can have a service waiting for foo.ready to be present, and firing a 0800 message right after.

The configuration would look like this (i.e. deploy/30_logonmanager.xml)

<logonmanager class="org.jpos.jpts.LogonManager" logger="Q2">
    <property name="persistent.space"  value="je:logonmgr" />
    <property name="timeout"           value="15000" />
    <property name="echo.interval"     value="60000" />
    <property name="mux"               value="mymux" />
package org.jpos.jpts;

import java.util.Date;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;

import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter;
import org.jpos.q2.QBeanSupport;
import org.jpos.core.Configuration;
import org.jpos.q2.iso.QMUX;
import org.jpos.space.Space;
import org.jpos.space.SpaceUtil;
import org.jpos.space.SpaceFactory;
import org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException;
import org.jpos.iso.ISOUtil;
import org.jpos.iso.ISOMsg;
import org.jpos.iso.packager.XMLPackager;
import org.jpos.iso.MUX;
import org.jpos.iso.ISODate;
import org.jpos.iso.ISOException;
import org.jpos.util.NameRegistrar;

@SuppressWarnings("unused unchecked")
public class LogonManager extends QBeanSupport {
    private Space sp;
    private Space psp;
    private long timeout;
    private long echoInterval;
    private long logonInterval;
    private long initialDelay;
    private ISOMsg logonMsg;
    private ISOMsg logoffMsg;
    private ISOMsg echoMsg;

    private static final String TRACE = "JC_TRACE";
    private static final String LOGON = "JC_LOGON.";
    private static final String ECHO  = "JC_ECHO.";

    public void initService () throws ConfigurationException {

        Configuration cfg = getConfiguration();
        sp = SpaceFactory.getSpace(cfg.get("space", ""));
        psp = SpaceFactory.getSpace(cfg.get("persistent-space", ""));
        timeout = cfg.getLong("timeout", 30000);
        echoInterval = cfg.getLong("echo-interval", 30000);
        logonInterval = cfg.getLong("logon-interval", 86400000L);
        initialDelay = cfg.getLong("initial-delay", 1000L);
        Element config = getPersist();
        logonMsg = getMsg("logon", config);
        logoffMsg = getMsg("logoff", config);
        echoMsg = getMsg("echo", config);
    public void startService () {

        for (String mux : cfg.getAll("mux")) {
            new Thread(new Runner(mux), getName() + "-" + mux).start();

    public class Runner implements Runnable {
        String name;
        MUX mux;
        String readyKey;

        public Runner(String name) {
            this.name = name;

            try {
                mux = NameRegistrar.get("mux." + name);
                String[] readyIndicators = ((QMUX) mux).getReadyIndicatorNames();
                if (readyIndicators != null && readyIndicators.length > 0)
                    readyKey = readyIndicators[0];
                    getLog().error("Ready indicator for MUX " + name + " not configured.");
            catch (NameRegistrar.NotFoundException e) {
        public void run () {
            while (running() && readyKey != null) {
                Object sessionId = sp.rd(readyKey, 60000);
                if (sessionId == null) {
                    getLog().info("Channel " + readyKey + " not ready");

                try {
                    if (!sessionId.equals(sp.rdp(LOGON + readyKey))) {
                    else if (sp.rdp(ECHO + readyKey) == null) {
                catch (Throwable t) {

        public void stopService() {
            try {
            catch (Throwable t) {

        private void doLogon(Object sessionId) throws ISOException {
            ISOMsg resp = mux.request(createMsg("001", logonMsg), timeout);
            if (resp != null && "0000".equals(resp.getString(39))) {
                SpaceUtil.wipe(sp, LOGON + readyKey);
                sp.out(LOGON + readyKey, sessionId, logonInterval);
                getLog().info("Logon successful (session ID " + sessionId.toString() + ")");

        private void doLogoff () throws ISOException {
            SpaceUtil.wipe (sp, LOGON+readyKey);
            mux.request(createMsg("301", logoffMsg), 1000); // do not logoff

        private void doEcho () throws ISOException {
            ISOMsg resp = mux.request(createMsg("301", echoMsg), timeout);
            if (resp != null) {
                sp.out(ECHO + readyKey, new Object(), echoInterval);

        private ISOMsg createMsg (String msgType, ISOMsg merge) throws ISOException {
            long traceNumber = SpaceUtil.nextLong(psp, TRACE) % 1000000;
            ISOMsg m = new ISOMsg ("2800");
            m.set(7, ISODate.getDateTime(new Date()));
            m.set(11, ISOUtil.zeropad(Long.toString(traceNumber), 6));
            m.set(70, msgType);
            if (merge != null)
                m.merge (merge);

            return m;

    private ISOMsg getMsg(String name, Element config) throws ConfigurationException {
        ISOMsg m = new ISOMsg();
        Element e = config.getChild(name);

        if (e != null)
            e = e.getChild("isomsg");

        if (e != null) {
            try {
                XMLPackager p = new XMLPackager();
                p.setLogger(getLog().getLogger(), getLog().getRealm()
                        + "-config-" + name);
                ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(os);
                XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter();
                out.output(e, writer);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new ConfigurationException(ex);
        return m;

BONUS 0: multiple MUXes

The above example works with a single configuration file for multiple MUXes. You just need to repeat the mux property in the configuration and the QBean will handle as many connections as you want.

BONUS 1: message template

That private getMsg(...) method is used to tweak the different type of messages (logon, logoff, echo) so that you can have a configuration like this:

<logonmanager class="org.jpos.jpts.LogonManager" logger="Q2">
    <property name="persistent.space"  value="je:logonmgr" />
    <property name="timeout"           value="15000" />
    <property name="echo.interval"     value="60000" />
    <property name="mux"               value="mymux-0" />
    <property name="mux"               value="mymux-1" />
    <property name="mux"               value="mymux-2" />
        <field id="70" value="001" />
        <field id="70" value="301" />
        <field id="70" value="002" />

You can of course override other fields, which sometimes require arbitrary data (such as an acquirer ID in field 32).