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LocalSpace interface

The Space interface is structured to facilitate easy implementation in various contexts, including persistent spaces, remote spaces, and replicated spaces.

For cases where the implementation operates within a single JVM, the LocalSpace interface extends the functionality of the Space interface. This is exemplified in the TSpace implementation.

The additional methods include:

public interface LocalSpace {
public void addListener (Object key, SpaceListener listener);
public void addListener (Object key, SpaceListener listener, long timeout);
public void removeListener (Object key, SpaceListener listener);

as well as some miscellaneous methods that could be expensive to transmit over the wire and were left out in the base Space implementation.

    public Set getKeySet ();
public int size (Object key);

The SpaceListener implementation looks like this:

public interface SpaceListener {
public void notify (Object key, Object value);

With the +LocalSpace+ we can create event-driven consumers that allows us to reduce the number of threads. A good example is the thread-less lightweight QMUX implementation.