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jPOS Training / Montevideo

· One min read
Alejandro Revilla
jPOS project founder

/by apr/ jPOS Training/Montevideo is over, we managed to cover our schedule and even had some time to have some beers, wine, grappas and chivitos. We had the great honor to host world class developers - coming from North America, South Africa - traveling almost 30 hours to come to our training, we really appreciate that guys! We also had the chance to share some experiences and we got to know about some impressive products (such as kiosks, mobile payments, etc) that either rely or will rely on jPOS for exiting mission critical applications. jPOS TrainingjPOS TrainingjPOS TrainingjPOS TrainingjPOS Training We expect to come to a city near you the next time. Update: added trackback to Jeff's blog which has some beautiful panorama pictures of Montevideo.