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jPOS-EE BinLog module

· 5 min read
Alejandro Revilla
jPOS project founder

jPOS-EE has a new binlog module, a general purpose binary log that can be used as a reliable event store.

The jPOS BinLog has the following features:

  • multiple readers and writers can be used from the same JVM
  • multiple readers and writers can be used from different JVMs

Here is a sample Writer:

    File dir = new File("/tmp/binlog");
try (BinLogWriter bl = new BinLogWriter(dir)) {
bl.add( ... ); // byte array
bl.add( ... ); // byte array
bl.add( ... ); // byte array

and a sample Reader:

    File dir = new File("/tmp/binlog");
try (BinLogReader bl = new BinLogReader(dir)) {
while (bl.hasNext()) {
byte[] b =;
// do something with the byte[]

The BinLogReader implements an Iterator<BinLog.Entry>. Each BinLog.Entry has two main methods:

  • BinLog.Rer ref()
  • byte[] get()

While iterating over a BinLog, it might make sense to persistently store its BinLog.Ref in order to be able to restart the iterator at a given point if required (this is useful if using the BinLog to implement a Store and Forward.

The BinLogReader has two constructors:

  • BinLogReader(File dir)
  • BinLogReader(File dir, BinLog.Ref ref)

the latter can be used to restart the iterator at a given reference point obtained from a previous run.

In addition to the standard hasNext() method required by the Iterator implementation, BinLogReader also has a hasNext(long millis) method that waits a given number of milliseconds once it reaches the end of the log, attempting to wait for a new entry to be available.

The goal behind the BinLog implementation is to have a future proof file format easy to read from any language, 10 years down the road. We found that the Mastercard simple IPM file format, that's basically a two-byte message length followed by the message itself was suitable for that. The payload on each record can be ISO-8583 (like Mastercard), JSON, FSDMsg based, Protocol buffers or whatever format the user choose.

But that format isn't crash proof. If a system crashes while a record is being written to disk, the file can get easily corrupted. So we picked some ideas from Square's tape project that implements a highly crash proof on-disk persistent circular queue using a very small header. Tape is great and we encourage you to consider it instead of this binlog for some use cases, but we didn't want a circular queue, we wanted a place to securely store events for audit or store and forward purposes, and we also wanted to be able to access the same binlog from multiple JVMs with access to the same file-system, so we had to write our own.

The on-disk file format looks like this:

256 bytes Header
... Data
... Data

Header format (256 bytes):
4 bytes header length
2 bytes version
2 bytes Status (00=open, 01=closed)
8 bytes Last element position
4 bytes this log number
4 bytes next log number
232 bytes reserved

4 bytes Data length
... Data

Each record has a length prefix (four bytes in network byte order) followed by its data. The header has a fixed length of 256 bytes but we found useful to make it look like a regular record too by providing its length at the very beginning. An implementation in any language reading a jPOS binlog can just be programmed to skip the first record.

At any given time (usually at end of day), a process can request a cut-over by calling the BinLogWriter.cutover() method in that case, all writers and readers will close the current file and move to the next one (Readers can choose to not-follow to the next file, for example while producing daily extracts).

In order to achieve file crash resilience, each write does the following:

  • Lock the file
  • Write the record's length and data
  • Sync to disc
  • Write the last element position to the header
  • Sync to disc
  • Unlock the file

In an MBP with SDRAM we've managed to achieve approximately 6000 writes per second. On an iMac with regular disk the numbers go down to approximately 1500 writes per second for regular ISO-8583 message lengths (500..1000 bytes per record).

Due to the fact that the header is small enough to fit in an operating system block, the second write where we place the last element position happens to be atomic. While this works OK for readers and writers reading the file from different JVMs, that's not the case for readers and writers running on the same JVM, even if they use a different file descriptor to open the file, the operating system stack has early access to the header that under high concurrency can lead to garbage values, that's the reason the code synchronizes on a mutex object at specific places.

Supporting CLI commands

The binlog CLI command is a subsystem that currently have two commands:

  • monitor (to visually monitor a binlog)
  • cutover (to force a cutover)
  • exit (builtin command)

binlog accepts a parameter with the binlog's path, i.e: binlog /tmp/binlog

So a cutover can be triggered from cron using the following command:

    q2 --command="binlog /tmp/binlog; cutover; exit; shutdown --force"