New Documentation

I've recently embarked on an ambitious project to develop a new jPOS documentation, which is currently in its nascent stages. This tutorial is designed to evolve in tandem with ongoing jPOS development, and in time, it will replace existing documentation to become a dynamic, live tutorial and reference.
As it stands, the tutorial is in its early stages, but it already offers valuable insights for newcomers to jPOS, particularly with the setup primer and QBean information. Veterans of jPOS will find the sections on 'Environments' insightful, especially for applications in cloud deployments. This is also a prime opportunity to test and experience the jPOS Gradle Plugin in action.
Alongside the tutorial, we have a companion project on Github. It’s structured with distinct branches for each part of the tutorial, enabling you to access and execute the examples easily.
Since this is a work in progress and will be evolving alongside jPOS, your feedback is incredibly valuable. We encourage you to share your thoughts, suggestions, and insights, which will be instrumental in shaping this tutorial into a comprehensive and up-to-date resource for all things jPOS.
Here is the link.