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jPOS and Cyclos

· 2 min read
Alejandro Revilla
jPOS project founder

/by apr/ Cyclos I have been introduced to Strohalm NGO and the Cyclos project a long time ago by Todd Boyle but today I have been honored by a courtesy visit of Cyclo's project lead, Mr. Hugo van der Zee. I've seen an impressive demo of the upcoming Cyclos3 and Hugo was introduced to jPOS and miniGL. We found many areas of collaboration:

  • Cyclos is going to support [m]POS transactions. jPOS is a natural fit there.
  • Cyclos has its own internal ad-hoc accounting system. They will seriously evaluate the posibility of moving to the more generic miniGL.
  • Both projects are highly aligned regarding the tools we use, the license we use and complement each other pretty well.

Hugo and I will be working in the integration but we are also looking for an skilled jPOS developer in our area to work full time in it (interested parties please contact us). Besides the technical aspects of Cyclos and jPOS, their implementations of community currencies are amazing and something really good for weak economies. Hugo has a background in economics and I was lucky to get a first-hand explanation of the rationale behind them. I was proud to know that our government through our major bank BROU sponsored by EMPRETEC are actively supporting an implementation here. I´m sure the collaboration and integration will be good for both projects, so Welcome Cyclos!.