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Logger lifespan attribute

· One min read
Alejandro Revilla
jPOS project founder

A typical jPOS log output looks like this (lines wrapped for easy reading here):

... ... ...

Let's start with a simple comment, the '.544' here after the year are the milliseconds since second 30 (in this example). Now the subject of this post, the 'lifespan' attribute. jPOS' logger is not a line-logger, we use it to put together multiple information related to a given transaction. The 'lifespan' attribute shows us the time elapsed between the LogEvent creation and the time where we actually display it by calling Logger.log(evt). So depending on the code using the logger, the meaning of the 'lifespan' attribute vary. In the ChannelAdaptor for example, we create a LogEvent, and then call channel.receive(), so the 'lifespan' attribute basically shows us how much time the channel was idle and we were waiting for a message to come. In order to understand the lifespan attribute, you need to take a look at the code that generates it. Final notes:

  • if the lifespan is 0ms, we don't display it.
  • On Windows systems, clock accuracy is 15ms