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Setting up the Client Simulator

· 2 min read
Alejandro Revilla
jPOS project founder

There has been some interest in jPOS-Users mailing list regarding how to setup the Client Simulator module from jPOS-EE.

I'll show you here how to use it using the jPOS-template.

Step 1: Install a fresh copy of the jPOS template

git clone or download a copy of it.

Step 2: rename the cloned or downloaded directory

Let's call it 'clientsimulator'. After renaming it, cd clientsimulator.

Step 3: edit build.gradle

Add a line inside the dependencies block

compile group:'', name:'jposee-client-simulator', version:'2.2.1-SNAPSHOT'

Step 4: call gradle installResources

Please note when I say gradle, you can either use your locally installed gradle, or the gradlew wrapper available in the jPOS template that you just downloaded.

This will copy some sample client simulator configuration from the client-simulator.jar to your local src/dist directory.

After running that, you'll see a few new files in src/dist/deploy and src/dist/cfg, i.e:

  • 10_clientsimulator_channel.xml
  • 20_clientsimulator_mux.xml
  • 25_clientsimulator_ui.xml # remove it if you're running headless
  • 30_clientsimulator.xml
  • echo_s and echo_r in the src/dist/cfg directory

Step 5: call gradle run

As an alternative, you can navigate to your build/install/clientsimulator directory and call bin/q2 (or bin\q2.bat if you're on Windows).

As next step, you can edit your src/dist/deploy/10_clientsimulator.xml file and change it to use your selected packager.