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· 2 min read
Alejandro Revilla
jPOS project founder

In 2.0.4 we've added a SpaceLogListener that can be used to write log output in an asynchronous way.

It works with a companion LoggerService that pull entries from the Space and actually log them.

The configuration is very simple, here is an example:



(this is basically your old 00_logger.xml, synchronously writing to disk)


The logger service pulls entries from logger.q2 space queue and uses the second logger as its output (we arbitrarily called it DAEMON).

The SpaceLogListener can send to the Space the original "Live" (so to speak) LogEvent, or create a Frozen one (see the frozen property). When set to true, log filters (i.e. the ProtectedLogFilter) has to be applied before the SpaceLogListener, otherwise, it won't work on the frozen LogEvent.

A FrozenLogEvent is Serializable, so we are not limited to TSpace, one can use the ReplicatedSpace in order to implement a very simple central logging.