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jPOS 2.0.10 has been released

· One min read
Alejandro Revilla
jPOS project founder

jPOS 2.0.10 has been released, new development version is now 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT

This release upgrades JLine to 3.0.0, adds new CLI commands and subsystems, upgrades Gradle to 3.1.0, allows license to be read from external file and removes double-logging in PADChannel. The main reason for this small release is to flush small enhancements before we make some bigger changes to the TransactionManager with improved audit logging (those are already available in 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT). It also updates the copyright year to 2017 and changes the copyright owner to the new entity jPOS Software SRL.

Starting with this release we'll move to semantic versioning, so next release is going to be 2.1.0 and requires a full clean build of your projects in order to make sure some of the API changes don't break your system.

see ChangeLog for details.